SEARCH: Tax and Budget

Will Population Aging Push Us over a Fiscal Cliff?

The share of the US population age 65 and older is rising dramatically. In the year 2000, 12 percent of the population was over age 65; by 2050 that share will be 22 percent. Much of that aging has already occurred: in 2022, just over 17 percent of Americans are retirement age. Population aging is ...

The Hill Op-Ed: How to fight poverty and boost work with an enhanced Child Tax Credit

The president’s 2024 budget, released today, calls for reinstating the 2021 expansion of the Child Tax Credit, which dramatically reduced child poverty. The temporary effect of that one-year expansion on poverty rates was a remarkable feat — instead of what surely would have been an increase in child poverty while the economy was still weak, we saw a reduction ...

IN BRIEF: Cutting the Safety Net Is Not an Effective Way to Reduce Government Spending

BRIEFLY… High-stakes negotiations over the debt limit center on ways to bring government spending more in line with government revenues. The political contours of the debate have excluded cuts to Social Security and Medicare from consideration, as well as the possibility of raising taxes. With these options off the table, much of what is left ...

High and Rising US Federal Debt: Causes and Implications

The outlook for federal debt represents a significant economic challenge for the United States. Economic developments and policy changes over the past two decades have materially raised the level of current and projected debt, but the primary factors behind the projected upward trajectory of debt remain population aging and rising health care spending. Even under ...

The Next Business Tax Regime: What Comes After the TCJA

This essay presents the case for a better US business tax regime. First, we provide an overview of the business tax base in the United States and describe how business activity is taxed, with special focus on the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). We then review early evidence of the TCJA’s effects on ...

In Brief: Building Security in the Semiconductor Supply Chain

BRIEFLY Semiconductors are the building blocks of almost every modern technology, from dishwashers to smartphones to javelin missiles. Shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with rising geopolitical tensions in the region where most chips are produced, have highlighted the fragile supply chains of this critical technology. In response, US policymakers have invested billions in the ...

Douglas Holtz-Eakin

DOUG HOLTZ-EAKIN has a distinguished record as an academic, policy adviser, and strategist. Currently he is the president of the American Action Forum and most recently was a commissioner on the congressionally chartered Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. He was the 6th director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office from 2003 to 2005. Following his tenure ...